
Narkolepsi, ALS first symptoms in Spongodi Encephalopathy (BSE)

Narkolepsi, ALS first symptoms in Spongodi Encephalopathy (BSE)

Repeated EEG recordings and sleep records of a two-year period in a 42 year old patient with BSE were normal. During this time period the patient did not present any other symptoms. Extensive neurological, neurophysiological, neuroradiological (MRI) examinations conducted regularly in this 2-year period showed no pathological results. The typical symptomatology of BSE with characteristic ataxia, myoclony, fever and hallucinations was exacerbated in the last 3 months along with narcolepsy crises. In this last 3 months the only pathological symptoms were prolonged latencies and decreased amplitude in acoustic brainstem auditory potential (BAEPs). According to our observation narcolepsy must be taken as a possible first symptom of BSE . Beyond that it must be noted that BAEPs is the first pathological result recorded. Abstract published in abstracts book of the DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF SLEEP BREATHING DISORDERS, ALPES CONGRES-GRENOBLE-FRANCE., Paper presented at the DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF SLEEP BREATHING DISORDERS, ALPES CONGRES-GRENOBLE-FRANCE., December 9-11, 1998