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The influence of proteinic fraction on electrophoresis and concomitant quantitative measurement of immunoglobulins in patients with Multiple Sclerosis

The influence of proteinic fraction on electrophoresis and concomitant quantitative measurement of immunoglobulins in patients with Multiple Sclerosis

DROSSO TH,KOUNTOURIS D, KOSSIONI E,LIAPIS A, SIMA A AND SPAKOURIS D. Internal Medicine and Microbiology, Pammakaristos Hospital Iacovaton 43 Athens 11144 Medical Neurological Center, Athens, Greece. This study tries to test an observation with multiple sclerosis (MS) in electrophoresis of proteins and evaluates if this influence contributes in disease diagnosis. A quantitative measurement of immmunoglobulins IgA, IgG, and IgM was concomitantly performed. Eighty-six patients with known MS aged 17-56 participated in this study. Proteinic electrophoresis was performed on acetic cellulin Helena and the quantitative assay of Iga, IgG and IgM with Turbi Tissue System-Behring. Table 1.
Normal limits
Albumin 54.41 46 62 3.93 52.3-66
a1 3.155 2.2 4.5 0.43 3.3-7
a2 11.527 0.3 16.3 1.77 6.3-11.7
β 14.167 7.8 19.9 2.22 7.8-14.3
γ 16.176 9.4 30.2 3.18 11.1-20.4
IgA 1061.2 650 1940 215.54 80-01700
IgG 209.19 60.9 463 88.57 85-450
IgM 179.72 19 874 132.52 60-370
  A decrease in a1 globulin was observed. We have some clinical evidence that patients with MS with a low a1 globulin have a grave clinical picture. This observation has to be further tested. There is no influence on quantitative immunoglobulins `assay. Abstract published in EUROPEAN JOURNAL ON NEUROLOGY 1996;3(5) paper presented at the 2nd Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies, Rome, Italy, 30 October -3 November 1996.  

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