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        -     Portal Νευρο-Ψυχιατρικών Παθήσεων  (Διεύθυνση: Δ. Κουντούρης)

Study of disorder on acute phase proteins in patients with Multiple Sclerosis

Study of disorder on acute phase proteins in patients with Multiple Sclerosis

KOUNDOURIS D.2, DROSSOS TH1, SIANI A1, AND ANOUSIS S1 1Pammakaristos Hospital, Iakovaton 43, 11144 Athens, Greece 2Neurological Medical Centrer, Athens Greece Objectives: In this work we studied the variations in some proteins in patients with MS.  These proteines are increased in some neoplastic, collagen and inflammatory diseases. The proteins C3, C4 (complement) CRP (c reactive protein) A1 AT (a1 antitrypsine) A2MG (a2 macroglobulin) and RF rheumatoid factor. Materials and methods: Twenty volunteer patients with MS participate in this study. Fourteen women and 6 men aged 21-53 years. The measurement of proteinic fraction C3, C4, CRP,A2AT,A1MG and RF performed with specific reactive source (Sanofi).
(101-202 mg/dl)
(16-47 mg/dl)
(<8 mg/dl)
(103-203 mg/dl)
(120-321 mg/dl)
<40 IU/ml
(R.F. ,40 IU/ml)
  Conclusions: No changes found in complement C3 C4. No change also found in CRP AND A1AT increased in all patients with MS. Conclusively the question if the increased A1AT (an a1 globulin fraction) is a reliable index of CUTE Ms have to be further evaluated.

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