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Follow up with rep-Aep and a1-antithrepsin in patients with chronic MS

Follow up with rep-Aep and a1-antithrepsin in patients with chronic MS

by Dr Dimitrios Kountouris [1] and Theofanis Drosos [2] Purpose of this study is to define the correlation, if it really exists, between the acute accent phase ptotein (a1 antithrepsin) of neurophysiological factors (rep-Aep) and the clinical picture that presents the patients with chronic MS. Material-Methods: In a period of time 18-24 months examined 82 patients (51 female 31 male) that suffer from chronic MS. All the patients during the first clinical estimation and at the next levels examined as clinical (KURTZKE) as neurophysiologic (Aep-rep). Moreover it took place the definition of a1-antithrepsin (SANOFI). Results:At the 68 patients found clear agreement between a1ATH and the clinicla picture, while the neurophysiological parameters (rep-Aep) didn`t appear clear inclinations. At the rest of the 14 patients that existed clear transformations of the challenge dynamics, also was observed agreement of the pprices with ATH (antithrepsin). Generally, it was proved that a1 ATH is a very sensitive method for the attendance of the follow up in patients with MS and superior to the neurophysiological examinations. Abstract published in ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY and CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 1997;103(1) Paper presented at the International congress of EEG and clinical Neurophysiology, Florence, Italy, August 24-29, 1997 p-52-2
[1]. Bioneurologics – Center of Neurological Diagnosis, 3 Irodotou and Karneadoy str., 106 75, Athens, Greece [2]. Medicine Department Hospital Pammakaristos, 43 Iakovaton Str.11144, Athens, Greece.

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