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A therapeutic approach of epileptic crises in MS

A therapeutic approach of epileptic crises in MS

Background: The symptoms of epilepsy and MS appear together very often. Usually the epilepsy is manifestated after the MS. Clinical reactions and effectiveness of different types of treatments were observed for a long period.

Methods and Material: 28 MS patients who showed different types of epileptic syndroms were devived in three groups. The fisrt group of 7 patients received only antiepileptic drugs periodically. The second group of 11 patients received antiepileptic drugs combined with cortisone very often. The Third group receive immunosuppressive treatment combined with IVIG and antiepileptic drugs. The resuslt compared and evaluated after the end of two years.

Results: A significant improvement (p<0,05) was observed in the patients of the third group with substantial reduction of epileptic crises. Conclusion The polypharmacy and particularly the use of IVIG seems to be the most advisable treatment for the patients with MS and epilepsy.

Abstract published in abstract book of the 6th Mediterranean Epilepsy Conference Paper presented at the 6th Mediterranean Epilepsy Conference, Cairo, Egypt, November 17-19,1999

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