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Acute Appearance ALS After Surgical Operation Of Heart (By Pass)

Acute Appearance ALS After Surgical Operation Of Heart (By Pass)

Kountouris D. Neurological Medical Center, Athens, Greece We examined two cases of patients. A:52 and B:58 years old correlatively, that appeared sharpen ALS bulbare tyb. After a by pass Both the patients, before the intervention had been submitted to a total neurological control, with no existence of a positive element. Also, at the previous reports of the patients it had not reported any neurological irregularity. Both the patients had hypertension and vigorous clinical events of myocardic ishemia and was submitted to surgical operation (by pass). After this operation the function of the heart was restored and the blood pressure regulated. The third week after the surgery operation of heart to the patient A was appeared clinical findings of ALS. At the patient B, the ALS,  was appeared, at the first hours at the surgery. Conclusion:It seems that the patient was being unconscious and generally in oppression of his brain functions, activates an x factor that constitutes the start of function of a neurormonical mechanism, probably immune explanation, that has as result the neurological manifestation of ALS. Abstract published in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY 1998;5(I) paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Stroke and 1st Conference of the Mediterranean Stroke Society, Marrakech, Morroco, March 4-7,1998

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