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Smoking and damages of the optical nerve

Smoking and damages of the optical nerve

by Dr. Dimitrios Kountouris [1], Theofanis Drosos [2], The purpose of this study is to present the influence of smoking on the optical nerve according to the changes that appeared during the examination of the visual evoced potential. Sample-Method: Was examined 70 healthy people, 40 men and 30 women aged beteen 28-52 years, M:39,5+_ 8,2 smokers over 5 years with the method of the visual evoked potential. (VEP) The results were compared with those from a team with healthy non smokers of these same age and sex. The statistical comparison shows a high significant difference between smoking and non smoking people (p<0,01). Smokers were observed to present prolonged latencies as well as decreased shapes of visual evoked potentials. Generally the results support the opinion that in chronic smokers, an incresed vulnerability of the optical nerve is observed. Abstract published in ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY and CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 1997;103(1) Paper presented at the International congress of EEG and clinical Neurophysiology, Florence, Italy, August 24-29, 1997
[1]. Bioneurologics – Center of Neurological Diagnosis, 3 Irodotou and Karneadoy str., 106 75, Athens, Greece [2]. Medicine Department Hospital Pammakaristos, 43 Iakovaton Str.11144, Athens, Greece.

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