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The concentration of lipoproteins of diabetic patients type II, in relation with the ECG transformation

The concentration of lipoproteins of diabetic patients type II, in relation with the ECG transformation

by Dr Dimitris Kountouris [1]., Drossos Th., Tsoutseos K.Siani A.Anousis [2] This study concerns the concentration of lipoproteins, with diabetes mellitus type II, with or without electrocardiogramic alterations. Fifty five male patients with diabetes mellitus type II were divided into two teams.29 (with and 26 without ischemic alterations of ECG. The middle rate of the TG was high for both the first and the second team with diabetes mellitus type II (180+_ 2MG/DL). The concentration of cholesterol was higher than the normal levels of diabetic patients in the two categories (250+_8MG/DL and 245+_7MG/DL) correspondingly for the team with the patients without ischemia at ECG. The levels of the LDL cholesterol was higher comparatively with the normal levels of the patients with diabetes mellitus type II, but it is for the two teams (130+_5MG/DL and 135+_5MG/DL). The HDL cholesterol of the plasma was reduced for the diabetic with ischemia of the heartmuscle (30+_ 2MG/DL)throught the levels of the diabetics without ischemia of the heartmuscle was close to the normal levels. Conclusion: The concentration of HDL cholesterol of the palsma of diabetic patients type II with electrocardiodiagramic ischemic alterations is lower than the healthy or diabetic type II without ischemic disease. This is possible to play an important role in the fixing of the glycohemics who will develop ischemia of the heartmuscle. Abstract published in ATHEROSCLEROSIS, International Journal for Research and Investigation on Atherosclerosis and Related Diseases 1997; 134(1,2).Elsevier Paper presented at the XIth International Symposium on Atherosclerosis, Paris, france, October 5-9, 1997.
[1]. Bioneurologics – Center of Neurological Diagnosis, 3 Irodotou and Karneadoy str., 106 75, Athens, Greece [2]. Medicine Department Hospital Pammakaristos, 43 Iakovaton Str.11144, Athens, Greece.

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