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Danger from the use of thyroid hormones in patients with Obesity

Danger from the use of thyroid hormones in patients with Obesity

Introduction: it has been known that usually overweight patients and especially those suffering from bulimia nervosa frequently overuse dilting agents in a period of two months we collected data from 6 patients who had been making excessive use of thyroid hormone in order to loose weight.

Patients-Methods: 6 patients, 2 male and 4 female closely related among themselves made an excessive use of thyroid hormone for more than 8 months. (two of the patients a male and a female were suffering from bulimia nervosa)

Results: In all patients after the end of the treatment appeared clear psychological disturbances, three of them presented iatrogen hyperthyreosis and a incomplete thyreotoxikosis.

Conclusion: In patients with obesity and especially with bulimia nervosa particularly attention should be paid for potential abuse of thyroid hormone, because they are frequently used by patients without their prior knowledge of the danger.

Abstract published at the International Journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders 1998;22(3)

paper presented at the 8th International Congress on Obesity Paris, France, 29 August-3 September 1998.

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