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Dexamethason and intravenous IgG therapy effects as first treatment in primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL)

Dexamethason and intravenous IgG therapy effects as first treatment in primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL)

Background: The effective action of cortison in the treatment of PCNSL is well known.. This beneficial action concerns not only the reduction of the lymphom tumor but also its contribution to avoidance of an tumor-Recidiv.

Concerning the action of IVIG in PCNSL unfortunately there are not clear references. Having observed the follow up of a 26 year old patient with PCNSL for a period of 5 years, we were able to monitor the action of the therapy with dexamethason and IVIG.

Case report: A 26 year old patient with cycle psychosis he was complaining about double vision, headaches and hemihypesthesy in the left side while he was receiving tricyclik drugs.

Simultaneously he had focal epileptic crises, hallucinations and aggressiveness while refusing any therapy. The neurological examinations showed a PCNSL with a minor malignacy.

After a anticonvulsive and cortison (dexamethason) treatment for a period of 6 months a reduction in the tumor size was observed and an improvement of the clinical condition.

After the administration of 60 gr IVIG (5gr/kg) for the period of two years the MRI showed a completely disappearance of the tumor without Residiv for the following two years till now.

Conclusion: The combination of Dexamethason at the onset of the therapy and the chronic administration of IVIG later, seems to be an ideal therapy for the PCNSL.

Abstract published in abstract book of the 9th International Congress on Anti-Cancer Treatment Paris,France, February 2nd – 5th ,1999.

Paper presented at the 9th International Congress on Anti-Cancer Treatment Paris, France, February 2nd – 5th ,1999

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