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  • Differential value of electrophysiological examinations in inflammatory polyradiculoneuropathy

Differential value of electrophysiological examinations in inflammatory polyradiculoneuropathy

Differential value of electrophysiological examinations in inflammatory polyradiculoneuropathy

D. KOUNTOURIS, J. FRITZE, W. GEHLEN Neurologische Universitatsklinik, Knappschafts-Krankenhaus Bochum-Langendreer, 4630 Bochum 7, West Germany

In eight patients with inflammatory polyradiculoneuropathy as assessed by CSF examinations and the clinical status and in eight healthy subjects with equivalent distribution of age and sex, the motor nerve conduction velocity was measured in the ulnar and peroneal nerves by means of the traditional procedure and by determination of the fastest F-wave latencies, respectively.

Furthermore, the F-wave chronodispersion was determined. Both groups were compared according to these criteria. In all eight patients the F-wave chronodispersion was found to be considerably increased in comparison to the healthy subjects. It was increased even in those cases where conventional motor conduction velocity was not significantly reduced.

The deviation of the F-wave chronodispersion paralleled the extend of the clinical symptoms. These results show that the determination of the F-wave chronodispersion is a sensitive method for detecting inflammatory polyradiculoneuropathy.

This might be expected because this disease preferentially involves the nerval roots.

Abstract published in abstract book of the Restorative Neurology In the Central and Peripheral Nervous System, Integrated Electrophysiological Evaluation.

Paper presented at the Congress of the the Restorative Neurology In the Central and Peripheral Nervous System, Integrated Electrophysiological Evaluation,Fondazione Giorgio, Gini, Venice, Italy, May 24-26, 1983.

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