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Effects of buflomedil (i.v) on peripheral arterial system in diabetic patients

Effects of buflomedil (i.v) on peripheral arterial system in diabetic patients

Kountouris D1, Drossos Th, AndreatouA, Siani A, Anousis S.2 1Neurological Medical Center, M Athens, Greece. 2Pammakaristos Hospital, Internal Medicine Department, Iakovaton 43, 11144, Athens, Greece.

The purpose of this study is to describe our experience of recent years from tardive endovenous allowance of Buflomedil to circulars diabetic vasculitis.

It has been studied in 20 cases of patients who were treated in tha last five years in our clinic and who were suffering from diabetic vasculitis. Besides the visual picture and the clinical pathological and neurological estimation of down urines, referring to alterations of food and good functionality of the area of control of rachidial arteries and the posterior arteries of the leg submitted to rheological control with Doppler Hadeco 1000 SP and Doppler Directional Model 806A connected with monitor.

The therapy which followed consisted of 10 amp (500 mg) Bublomedil to intravenous tardive infusion every 24 hours for 10 consecutive days with frequent measuring of the arterial pressure and cardiological control.

In some patients where exulcerations appear with inflammatory elements a type treatment with foot-path (BETADINE) was administered.In all the patients there exist obvious improvement of rheological findings with percentage of improvement for any case from 10% to 50%, a percentage that is emphasized by the oral and visual signs as much as the graphical representation. Also, there is improvement in the clinical situation both in the pathological and neurological estimation.


Abstract published in atherosclerosis, International Journal for Research and Investigation on Atherosclerosis and Related Diseases, Elsevier, 1997:134(1,2)

Paper presented at the 11th International Symposium on Atherosclerosis, Paris, France, October 5-9,1997

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