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        -     Portal Νευρο-Ψυχιατρικών Παθήσεων  (Διεύθυνση: Δ. Κουντούρης)

The value of the visual evoked potentials examination in follow up control of Multiple Sclerosis Patients

The value of the visual evoked potentials examination in follow up control of Multiple Sclerosis Patients

KOUNTOURIS,D., SKONDRAS,S., MILONAS,I. (Knappschafts-Krankenhaus-University clinic, Bochum, W.Germany – Agios Dimitrios Hospital University clinic, Thessaloniki, Greece)

In 72 patients with multiple sclerosis in various grades the VEPs were examined in various stages of the illness at least twice, before and after treatment, in every patient. In 38 of the patients the blinkreflex was examined in addition. In 18 out of these patients the results were compared with BLEP examinations results. The clinic was also taken in consideration.

In 52% of the patients no VEP alterations were observed. Improvement was noted in 19% of the patients, whereas the rest showed impairment. BAEPs and blinkreflex were in agreement with the VEPs in the cases where improvement was noted. In conclusion, the results demonstrated that the VEPs consist in a sensitive marker in the control of the course in multiple sclerosis cases.

Abstract published in abstract book of the Joint World Meeting of Neuro-opthalmology.

Paper presented at the Joint World Meeting of Neuro-opthalmology, Antwerp, Belgium, May 14-18, 1984

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