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  • Influence of blood cytology on MS patients before and after initial therapy

Influence of blood cytology on MS patients before and after initial therapy

Influence of blood cytology on MS patients before and after initial therapy

KOUNDOURIS D.2, DROSSOS TH1, MATSIS K1 AND ANDREADOU A1 1Pammakaristos Hospital, Iakovaton 43, 11144 Athens, Greece and Neurological Medical Center,Athens Greece2. This study tries to clarify if any change appears in blood cytology before and after initial therapy with corticosteroids. The elements they tested were WBC,RBC, platelets, lymphocytes and granulocytes and the ratio between them. Thirty-eight patients (16 males age 40.25+_ 9.1 and 22 females age 41+_12) with MS participate in this study. No other recent disease was found which could alter the blood cytology. Twenty-four parameters were tested. Although statistical analysis not found any significant difference in paired observations (paired t-test) in all observed pairs a positive correlation was proved. Abstract published in EUROPEAN GOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY 1997; 4(I) paper presented at the Meeting of European Federation of Neurological Societies, Prague, Czech Republic, June 4-8,199.

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