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Parkisonism disorder in patients with Multiple Sclerosis ( MS )

Parkisonism disorder in patients with Multiple Sclerosis ( MS )

Kountouris Dimitrios Greece

Background: the presence of Parkinsonian symptoms in Multiple Slcerosis (MS) has only rarely been reported and it is not yet known whether they can consitute an entity. In order to establish whether there is a relationship between these two diseases of the central nervous system (CNS), we examined 1224 patients over a period of 8 years.

Methods: Over a period of 8 years 1224 patients with MS (858 female and 366 male) underwent neurological evaluation using the Kurtzke Disability Status Scale (DSS) and neurophysiological testing that included: Blink-reflex and evoked potentials. All MS patients were also examined for the presence of typical signs of Parkinsionism THROUGH QUANTITATIVE RECORDED BY ELECTROMYOGRAPHY(EMG).

Results: Only 8 patients (2 female and 6 male) have demostrated typical signs such as rigidity, hypomimia, hypersalivation and parkinsonian gait. Five patients developed these symptoms after the onset of MS. In only one patient of 47 dis the diseases appears at the same time. Treatment for Ms also improved Parkinsionism in 2 out of 8 patients.

Conclusion: MS and parkinsonism can co-existence in the same patient.The fact that treatment for MS also improved parkinsonian symptoms is likely due to secondary causes.

Abstract published as a supplement to Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, volume 5,1999 paper presented at the XIII International Congress on Parkinson`s Disease, Canada, Vancouver, July 24-28, 1999

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