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The diagnostic values of the evoked potential in Diabetic patients without neurogenic symptoms

The diagnostic values of the evoked potential in Diabetic patients without neurogenic symptoms

Kountouris Dimitrios, Neurological Medical Center, Athens, Greece

Background: Visual evoked potential (VEP),brain stem auditory evoked potential (BAEPs) and short-latency somatosensory evoked potential (SEPs) were examed in 312 patients with diabetes mellitus and without neurogenic symptoms, with the purpose of locating clinical neurological lesions. The VEP were recorded from electrodes placed at 01 and 02. The reference electrode at F2

Methods: The BAEP recording were made from electrodes placed on the mastoid bilaterally and at Fz. The latencies were measured. Their SEPs were recorded from electrodes placed at Erb`s point, at 7th spinous process and somatosensory area on the scalp contralateral to the stimulated side all referred to an electrode at Fz. The latencies N9, N13 and N20 and the central conduction time N14-N20 were estimated.

Results: All findings were compared to those of a healthy control group. In approx 60% the patients the obtained results were pathological without any corresponding clinical correlation.

Conclusion: From the results it is obvious that the registration of the evoked potential in diabetic patients is a valuable diagnostic tool for the location and the therapy of the clinical silent lesion of the peripheral central nervous system.

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