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The therapeutic effect of Mitoxantrone and Interferon Beta B in treating chronic progressive Multiple Sclerosis (cp MS)

The therapeutic effect of Mitoxantrone and Interferon Beta B in treating chronic progressive Multiple Sclerosis (cp MS)

Kountouris D., Center for Neurological Diagnosis, Athens, Greece.

BACKGROUND: 48 patients with chronic progressive Multiple sclerosis (cp MS) after having a treatment with interferon beta b (INFB) for a period of two years, started a new therapy with mitoxantrone for a period of 12 months. The results of the two treatments were compared between themselves

METHODS: 48 patients with cp MS who had already received INFB, 29 female and 19 male ones, with ages ranging from 18 to 52, and with an average age of 31.5 were evaluated before and after Mitoxantrone treatment. The dose administered was 80-100 mg (8mg/m) given in twelve monthly doses. The disability of the patients was measured by the application of the KURTZKE Expanded Disability Scale (EDSS) at the beginning of treatment, at the end of it and a year after the end of treatment. The results were compared between themselves.

RESULTS. A significant improvement was observed with a change in the EDSS scale of 2 points (-1.9+0.5, p.<0,05), in the last treatment a year after the end of treatment . No patient has shown any deterioration . One patient was excluded due to fractures after an accident. Two years after the beginning of treatment and a year after the stoppage of Mitoxantrone administration , the results of EDSS with -1,84+0,4 points were basically the same as a year before. In this time period only one patient worsened . No patient had shown any side-effects.

CONCLUSIONS: In this widely accepted the point of the relative efficacy of immunosuppression in cp MS, Mitoxantrone use appears to have an significant advantage compared the INF.

Abstract published in Multiple Sclerosis, Clinicla and laboratory research journal, 1999;5(1) Paper presented at the Joint RIMS-CMSC symposium. Basel, Switzerland, September 14-16 1999

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