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  • The value of the jitter analysis of different motor unit potential components in diabetic polyneuropathy

The value of the jitter analysis of different motor unit potential components in diabetic polyneuropathy

The value of the jitter analysis of different motor unit potential components in diabetic polyneuropathy

Kountouris D, Skondras S, De Grandis D

Fibre density of the motor unit was determined and the mean value of the percentage of blockings was estimated in the anterior tibial muscle of 61 patients with diabetic polyneuropathy. The jitter values between single motor fibre potentials of the same motor unit were measured by means of computer analysis. The results were compared with those of an age and sex matched control subjects group. A significant increase in the percentage of blockings and the jitter between single motor fibre potentials of the same motor unit was evident in the patients group. Fibre density was in contrary not increased. Our results point out that the single fibre EMG and especially the computerised jitter analysis, provide an useful tool in the motor unit research and the detection of reinnervation processes in diabetic polyneuropathy.

Abstract published in abstract book of the Second International Conference On Computerized Elecrtomyography.

Paper presented at the Second International Conference On Computerized Elecrtomyography., Monte Carlo-Monaco, June, 15-19, 1985.

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