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Therapeutic approach of Trigeminal Neuralgia ( TN ) in patients with Multiple Sclerosis ( MS )

Therapeutic approach of Trigeminal Neuralgia ( TN ) in patients with Multiple Sclerosis ( MS )

Kountouris D*. Center for Neurological Diagnosis, Michalakopoulou 45, 11528 Athens, Greece.

Aim of investigation: Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is the most commonly described pain seen in MS patients. The causes of both conditions are mutlifactorial with environmental and psysiological influents. The necessity of an appropriate and effective treatment is imperative since an inability in treatment could cause suicidal tendencies.

Method: In a period of three years 18 patients (8 male and 10 female) who suffered from MS were being observed. They presented different intensity of TN. All these patients were administered carbamazepine in the acute phase of TN. 13 of those patient (10 female and 3 male) received mitoxantrone and IVIG for a period of 3 years. All the results were recorded and studied before and after treatment.

Results: After three years 8 patient who received mitoxantrone and IVIG released from pain without being given additional therapy.Two others recovered fully continuing taking carbamazepine. The remaining 3 patients as well as the other 5 the group who did not receive mitoxantrone and IVIG treatment kept suffering from periodic pain attacks.

Conclusion: The suggested treatment with prolonged effectiveness in MS with TN seems to be the administration of immunosuppressive and immunomodulatory drugs. The sooner this treatment starts the more effective appear to be.

Abstract published in the abstract book of the 9th World Congress on Pain Paper presented at the 9th World Congress on Pain, Vienna, Austria, August 22-27, 1999

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