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Effects of piracetam (i.v.) on peripheral arterial and neural system in diabetic patients

Effects of piracetam (i.v.) on peripheral arterial and neural system in diabetic patients

DROSSS TH1, KOUNTOURIS D2,ADREADOU A1 AND ANOUSIS S1 1 Pammakaristos Hospital, Iakovaton 43 Athens 11144,Greece and 2 Neurological Medical Center,Athens, Greece The purpose of this study is to describe our experience of recent years from tardive endovenous allowance of Piracetam to circulars diabetic vasculitis and neurosuture. It has been studied in 20 cases of patients who were treated in the last five years in our clinic and who were suffering from diabetic vasculitis. Beisdes this visual picture and the clinical pathological and neurological estimation od down acroteria, referring to alterations of food and good functionality of the areas of control of rachidial arteries and of the posterior arteries of the leg, submitted to rheological control with DOPPLER HADECO 1000SP and DOPPLER DIRECTIONAL MODEL 806A connected with a monitor. The therapy which followed consisted of 10 amp (30 gr) Piracetam to intravenous tardive infusion (5 amp/500 ml N/S) every 24 h for the 10 consecutive days with frequent measuring of the arterial pressure and cardiological control. In all the patients there exists obvious improvement of rheological findings with percentage of improvement foe any case from 10% to 50 % (a percentage that is emphasized by the visual signs and the graphical representation. Also, there is improvement in the clinical situation both in the pathological and neurological estimations.     Abstract published in EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY 1997;4(I) paper presented at the Meeting of the European Federation of Neurological Societies, Prague, Czech Republic, June 4-8,1997

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Παρακολουθούν τώρα*


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