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        -     Portal Νευρο-Ψυχιατρικών Παθήσεων  (Διεύθυνση: Δ. Κουντούρης)

Comparison of different neurographic investigations: Conventional motor nerve conduction velocity to F-Wave method in uremic neuropathy

Comparison of different neurographic investigations: Conventional motor nerve conduction velocity to F-Wave method in uremic neuropathy

TSAMASSIOTIS, A.,* KOUNTOURIS, D.,* SALLACH, K., GEHLEN, W. Neurologische Abt., Klinikum Barmen, 5600 Wuppertal 2; *Neurologische Abt., Knappschafts-Krankenhaus, Universitats-Klinik, 4630 Bochum, FRG

In 22 dialysis patients suffering from uremic neuropathy, the following examinations were performed:

  • Conventional motor nerve conduction velocity.
  • Motor nerve conduction velocity by the mean value of 15 F-wave latencies.
  • The chronodispersion of F-wave and
  • Correlation between the mean F-wave latency and body height and arm length.

The results were compared to 22 sex and age matched control subjects of the same height and of the same arm length.

In the group of patients, in all 4 examinations alterations were seen, most with test No. 3 and 4.

Abstract published in Journal of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1983;56(3)

Paper presented at the 7th International Congress of Elecrtomyography , Munich, Germany, October, 9-13,1983

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