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Obesity compulsive Disorder Symptoms in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients with Cortisone

Obesity compulsive Disorder Symptoms in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients with Cortisone

Treatment Iintroduction: The frequent administration of corticosteroides, besides the organic side effects, is possible to cause psychic disturbances too such as depression, mania or even schizophrenic behavior as well as obesity compulsive symptoms (OCS). The case of OCS disorders following cortisone treatment in MS is an especially difficult situation and requires immediate observation.

Material and Methods: In 425 patients who were examined in our department five cases with that syndrome were observed after a treatment with corticosteroides. In three cases with syndrome appeared for first time . In the remaining two there was a medical history of depression.. For a period of one year the five patients were administered a treatment with immunosuppressive and MITOXANTRONE and antipsychotic drugs.

Results: After a one year treatment the 4 patients, in which the basic treatment combined with Mitoxantrone and antipsychotic drugs replaced the steroids, showed a significant and steady improvement.

Conclusion: In the MS cases where the OCS appeared due to a possible disregulation of 5-HT system the replacement of cortisone with Mitoxantrone and antipsychotic drugs may be the possible solution of the problem.


Abstract published in Internationl Journal of OBESITY and related metabolic disorders 1999;23(5) Paper presented at the 9th European Congress on Obesity, Italy, Milan, June 3-6,1999


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